19th International Xenopus Conference

August 20-24, 2023

Meeting starts August 20, 2023 with check-in from 2pm to 4pm. First session starts at 4pm.

Meeting ends August 24, 2023 at the conclusion of the last session at 4pm.

Hyatt Regency, Chesapeake Bay - Cambridge, Maryland, USA

The International Xenopus Conference is the premier forum for investigators using Xenopus for biological research. The International Xenopus Conference has been held biennially since 1984. The conference will offer talks on diverse topics, including cell cycle and cytoskeletal regulation, developmental biology and stem cells, evolution, physiology, immunology, single-cell genomics, neurobiology and neurogenesis, biomechanics, and human disease modeling. Sessions will include investigators and trainees at all levels with networking and career development workshops. Need-based Travel Awards are available for students and postdocs.

Join your colleagues to share your research as an oral or poster presentation, learn the latest scientific and technical advances in genomics and new methodologies, network with potential collaborators, and visit exhibits and learn about new tools.

Cambridge, Maryland is on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay; 60-90 minutes from the Baltimore or Washington DC airports.

We are looking forward to your participation and seeing you there.

Registration: Click here to register for the meeting. Deadline: July 14, 2023. Registration for in-person participants includes all sessions and meals. Please note, housing is NOT included in the registration fee. For participants desiring to bring guests, there is a section to list them in the registration. You may register guests under the Student rate to purchase the meal plan, or they may purchase food at local restaurants. The latter may be a more affordable option. Virtual attendance is also available. Deadline to register is July 14, 2023. Virtual attendees will be sent a password to Zoom live streaming of the presentations. Payment will be accepted via Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express credit cards.

Travel Fellowship Details: To be considered for a Trainee Travel Award, upload a brief justification in Word/PDF document. Submission deadline: May 25, 2023. Limited awards are available, based on need and impact. You will be able to complete your registration and payment once fellowship applications have been reviewed (by June 10, 2023). Include your application as part of the registration process. Travel Awards are supported in part by a Meetings Grant from the Society for Developmental Biology.

Housing: click here for venue details with the Hyatt Regency Hotel at Cambridge, Maryland. Housing deadline: June 30, 2023. Alternatively, participants may want to explore local AirBNB options near the date of the meeting. Housing costs are not included in the conference registration fees.

Poster dimensions: 48” high by 36” wide

Order your conference T-shirt featuring “Zahn drawings”

Conference Organizers:

Matt Good, Ph.D. - University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Associate Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology

Ann Miller, Ph.D. - University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Associate Professor, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Amy Sater, Ph.D. - University of Houston, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston

Aaron Zorn, Ph.D. - Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Professor, Center for Stem Cell and Organoid Medicine (CuSTOM), Director, University of Cincinnati Department of Pediatrics, Professor

COVID recommendations:

  • Wear a mask on your flights/public transportation to get to the meeting

  • Self-testing is encouraged but not mandated - please bring your own test kits: we recommend 2 tests

  • Masks are not required but are welcome - please bring your own supply of masks

  • Meals will be served buffet-style in a dining room, but those not comfortable eating in the dining room may take meals outdoors or to their rooms

  • If you feel symptomatic at the meeting, take a test (let us know if you do not have one)

  • Please let the organizers know immediately if you test positive at the meeting

Code of Conduct (modified from SDB)

The International Xenopus Meeting supports an environment for the exchange of scientific ideas that is grounded in dignity and respect for all program participants.  We understand that a diverse, inclusive and collegial community culture promotes scientific creativity and progress.

No Harassment Policy
Program participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to treat each other with respect at all times.  This expectation applies to the leaders, speakers, attendees, and vendors attending this meeting. 

Meeting participants shall not engage in any behavior that interferes with another’s ability to participate fully at this meeting.  In particular, meeting participants shall not make unwelcome sexual advances or engage in other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or offensive nature.

No Violence Policy
We have adopted a policy of “zero-tolerance” with respect to violence while attending this meeting.  We will not tolerate threats of violence by any meeting participant or threats of violence against meeting participants.

If a program participant discovers any conduct which they believe violates this policy or is otherwise detrimental to this meeting, they are asked to promptly report it to one of the conference organizers: Aaron Zorn, Amy Sater, Ann Miller, or Matt Good.